Motion Online Shopping

We no longer offer online shopping on this site.

Motion Music Downloads - If you subscribe to any of the major music download sites you can now obtain legal paid-for downloads of pretty well the whole of the Motion catalogue. This also includes releases where the CD or vinyl may have sold out, plus there are a number of download exclusives - tracks we've never made available on physical media.

There's a page of information about our music downloads, in partnership with digital music distributors The Orchard.

Also, don't forget that following the closure of our online shopping service in 2005, we still hold regular eBay auctions of our releases. It's worth checking on these from time to time as you can often pick up a rarity or a bargain.

On the internet, our releases are easily obtained from online retailers such as and Amazon. GEMM (the Global Electronic Music Marketplace) is also well worth a try.

You can also buy our releases in pretty well any record/CD retailer in the UK - we are distributed by SRD. We also export to many countries worldwide, so enquire at your local store - they may have just what you're looking for.

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